Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Drawing Frisk From Undertale

Warning this contains spoilers read with caution!

Undertale by Toby Fox is a role-playing game (rpg) you download from a website called "Steam" to play on your laptop or computer and take part in an adventure where you the player do not have to kill anyone! The person you play as is a human child that you find out is called Frisk that gets mistaken for the name you give it like Chara for example, who happens to be the first fallen human child in the underground.

You take part in a game full of monsters in the underground trying to escape either by using mercy or fighting. Here are some tips on how to draw Frisk the human!

Basic Information 

When you open up the game and see who you play as its a bit of a shock. You have no dialogue just phrases you read when you encounter monsters like *( You played in the leaves. It fills you with DETERMINATION). You also have no idea how old you are, what your race is, or what your gender might be is so this leaves many to intemperate who Frisk might be. 
There have been many artists who have made Frisk exactly like the sprite, made them different races, different outfits and so on. What I am going to suggest is to make their gender neutral or even nonbinary because the creator of the game never stated their pronouns or even what they identify as. Despite the game giving many character's pronouns like Asgore for example, the king of the underground.

so when giving Frisk pronouns in your drawing I suggest sticking with they/them since the game and creator himself haven't said what they might be gender wise.

When it comes to age like stated before its unknown but they are a child and many characters in the game say this. So if you want to make them older, as in 17+, thats fine just know that in the game Frisk is a kid.

Now that you know the basics about who Frisk is its time to find reference images!

Reference Images

Like any art image you want to create its important to have something to look at when you want to draw something. I suggest looking at official images first from the website Undertale or even going to Google and searching "Frisk undertale sprite"
Many helpful images will show up I personally love using official work the most but its alright to use other art to gain inspiration! 

I used this image to help me view Frisk at different view points compared to Chara, the first child to fall into the underground. 

Once you find images that help you when drawing its time to get started!

Starting The Sketch

When drawing people I use a circle like method as stated in previous posts but there are different ways to draw people. Find a way that works best for you and that is how you will start with the basic outline for Frisk. 

Use a pencil and an erasure and lightly sketch out the basic human features. Draw a circle like head with a vertical line going straight down the circle and a horizontal line going across the vertical line. It should end up almost looking like a "t" or maybe a cross.

Once you got the basic for the head shape connect it to a neck. Have the lines be curved and connected to the shoulders.
Do a similar process with the body by using oval and circular lightly draw sketches to represent body parts. Having the shoulder be connected to a long thin oval for the arm, a small circle for the elbow, another thin oval thats not as long for the other part of the arm and circles not smaller than the elbow as a hand.

It should be similar to something like this once you finish doing this process.

When you are doing lightly drawing the body its time to outline it.


Take your pencil now and make the lines a bit more bolder than the ones you created to have a basic body sketch. You can use the same pencil as before but give it a bit more of a push to make the lines darker for this process.

Go over the head for example and give it a more defined look, meaning make it look more like a head rather than just a circle on a stick. Erase the lines as you go and make the body more of a body and less like sticks and circles mashed together. 

You also can add the clothes you want Frisk to wear along with drawing if you want their eyes to be open or not. For my drawing I chose to have their eyes shut so I made a curve eyes to make it seem like they are happy when I drew their expression smiling. 

You can also go over the facial and body features with a black pen to make things stand out more. When you are done with that its time to color it in!


Like I said before Frisk's skin up to whatever you chose it to be. Yellow is a default color and no race is given in the game so if you want to draw them as white, black, asian, etc its up to you! I made my drawing similar to me so I went with Frisk being white. 

coloring the face

The colors I used are:
  • peach
  • light pink
  • tan
  • brown
  • dark brown
  • black
all are basic colors from a crayola color pencil box.

The peach is used for their main skin tone while blending it in with light pink on areas such as their cheeks and lightly on their nose to make it seem like they are more human and childish. For shadows I very lightly used a tan color under the neck and where their hair falls on their face. This will make sure the head and hair are defined and to make it seem like those things are not just stuck to their face.

The black I used for their eyes and eyelashes. 

Brown was for the basic color filled in for the hair and eyebrows and the dark brown was to give added in to make its seem like it wasn't just one solid color. 

coloring the clothes

sticking with crayola colored pencils I used
  • medium blue
  • dark blue
  • pink
  • purple
  • light blue
  • turquoise 
  • black
  • yellow
for the sweater I shaded in with a medium blue than went over it with the dark blue and shaded more around the shoulders to make it seem hair was above the shoulders forming a shadow. 

The stripes I stared lightly with a pink then went over top with a purple till I got a color close to the one in the pixel art. 

I drew the shorts with a light blue and turquoise and used a medium blue to outline it along with shading in where the thighs are.

then I colored in their boots with a yellow to make it look like they are wearing yellow rain boots and finally colored their legs black not too hard but just enough to make it look like they have tights on.

Finishing Touches

When everything is almost done you can add little details like lines on the sweater to make it appear to be wrinkles. Adding curved lines on the side of the shorts to look like pockets is another thing. Or even going and adding stray hairs to make its look like its blowing in the wind. I added a turquoise bandaid on the nose just to add a little something cute. 

Overall once you finished doing things like that and coloring in the fingers with a peach color you are done!

Final Product

And you are done drawing your Frisk! Here is mine!

like I said before this is just one way to draw Frisk there are many ways to draw them! Here are other drawings I have made of them before each are slightly different!

So dont be afraid you want to draw Frisk in a different way! How you want to view what they look like is up to you. 

Have fun drawing and stay determined!


(pixels+dialogue from the game. Frisk+Chara reference pixels. Head Reference. Body Reference.)

art sources: 

game download:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I use to draw a lot back in high school and i always found it difficult to map out a drawing with a starting sketch.

    1. For the longest time I had the same issue and refused to even draw people but just like anything you do practice and you will improve! But when you draw and starting a sketch doesn't help you and you find out drawing the main thing works best for you that is fantastic because its a method that works best for you!

  3. I always wanted to learn how to draw. You're blog is lit, I like it! I only learned little bits and tricks of outlining, but this is helpful.

    1. Thank you very much! I hoped I could give little helpful tips on how to draw something. I believe you can learn how to draw you just have to keep trying and find a drawing method that works for you.

  4. Where did your passion for art come from ?

    1. Well I have to say when I was very young I was inspired by my mom since she pretty much introduced me to simple things like large crayons and colorful paper. I later my art teachers from elementary school up to highs school pushed my passion and gave me inspiration.

  5. This is such a wonderful tutorial! With all amazing art! Thank you so much for taking your time on this!
