Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How to Draw Mettaton Ex

Drawing the fabulous robot that is Mettaton is quite a task for anyone, darling! But I am here to help you along and show you some mercy dear human! Here is my guide on how I draw Mettaton Ex from Undertale by Toby Fox.

Look Up Official Images

To draw Mettaton you need to know what he looks like. Look up official sprites or even concept art if you find any and jot down main features (Hair, body type, metal parts of his face, etc)

For example I used these sprites in my drawing to look at when I made art of him. These help me focus on how he should look in the end

Sketch Out The Body

Each art style is different from one another so there is no need to make him pixelated in your own drawing. 

Find a method that fits you style wise and put it into action with how you want the body to look and how to make it. I use the circle method when drawing bodies using circles similar to these
I then go back and outline the body with the basic features (face, arms, legs, body, etc)

The Face

Now that the body is all finished or just basic enough to fix I start with the face. Mettaton has one eye showing with his hair covering part of his face. I take this to an advantage to not add another eye But if you feel like you must and erase it later that is totally fine! 

I lightly sketch his nose, eye, and features that make him more robotic that the sprite shows (metal screws & patches).

I add in my little personal touch by giving him more of a feminine look since he is flamboyant and had a pink room before he was a robot.

This is why I gave him pink eyes also since the sprite has no distinct color. It also coordinates with his pink chest. 

I used:
  • a simple hot pink and regular pink crayola colored pencil for his eye.  
  • black crayola pencil for his hair, lips, eyebrows, and outlines. 
  • a dark pen to line his dark hair closer to the face and for his eyeliner

The Body

Now that the head is at a decent point its time to add on the body! Same as the head lightly sketch out the body in pencil. Add on his heart, buttons, turning knob and speaker holes (like the sprite)
Now that its sketched on color it in (like above). Lightly shade his "skin" a grey color and put darker parts where there would be shadows like under the chin. Put lines around his neck to emphasize he is robotic and to go along with his arms. 

Outline the body in the basic colors. Black for his suit and hot pink for the chest counsel and his boots. 

Make sure his chest console is box looking on the side since he isn't human after all and his form before this was square

Shade in the outlines dark in some areas and lighter where the light is coming from. To make it seem more realistic along with making him seem like he is made of metal. 

For the heart I made it seem more of a crystal than a realistic heart to keep it similar to his glitz and glamour life. 

Finial Color

Now that the body is sketched out its ready to be completely shaded in! 

I used the same basic crayola pencils again and went through and first lightly shaded it in than when more hard for darker areas. Go back and add in his fingers and make his hands seem like gloves.
Add gray lines that are shaped at an angle similar to his neck. 


Bravo darling you have the basics on how to draw Mettaton Ex!  Add in a few personal touches if you wish, I chose sparkles, and ta-da! Mettaton is here to dazzle the crowed!                   



I don't expect everyone's drawing to look like mine, I want you all to find your own style or even experiment with one's you have a grasp on like Disney's style for example! Have fun drawing Mettaton and don't be afraid to give him your own personal touch in your art! 


( mettaton dancing gif, official pixels, circle body image, mettaton clapping gif )


  1. How did you really get the fine details into the drawing with the colors as well?

    1. I look very closely at the face and use sharp colored pencils or regular pencils. Try to avoid not using dull pencils when making fine details like eyelashes or even strands of hair, it will look sharp not smudged or dull. If you want a specific look say a certain eye shape try finding on Google eyes or eye shapes. Search for images that help you when you draw and draw what you see, not copying and tracing. If you zoom in on an image even and focus on a certain part at a time it goes a long way for detail.

      Hope this helps!

  2. I like the step by step picture that you put up it helpful if I wanted to draw the Mettaton.

    1. Thank you very much I appreciate this! I wish you luck when drawing!

  3. I am not understanding something. How do you sketch the body and have mostly circles as the body? I thought that you would try to sketch the body by attempting to draw the actual body. How did you get so much detail and darkness on the face of the mettaton?

    1. The circles give the basic body images. For example, if you draw a medium sized circle thats bigger than a quarter it would represent the head. Then attach it to a thin long oval going vertically connecting to that circle to represent the neck. Then the neck would be connected to a larger circle being bigger than the neck and head put together making it the chest and so on. This gives the basic shapes without putting detail into it just yet. Think of it as a blueprint for when you want to draw, its not the finial outcome but it helps guide you along and can be changed as you draw. When it comes to detail I tend to look closely at the face and use fine tipped pencils or pens to make sure small details like eyelashes show up better.

      Thank you for the feedback!

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